Financial Translation

Financial translation is a specialization that focuses on texts related to the economic and financial world, such as market reports, balance sheets, economic analyses, financial contracts, audits, among others. This type of translation requires a command not only of the languages involved, but also of the technical and specialized language of finance and economics, since financial terms can vary considerably between countries and contexts.

¿Qué documentos pueden necesitar este tipo de traducción?

  • Annual and financial reports
  • Annual reports, balance sheets and financial statements
  • Tax returns
  • Bank statements
  • Securities prospectus
  • Iniatial Public Offerings
  • Informes de auditoría
  • Business plans
  • Market research
  • Financial and banking contracts
  • Tax policies and regulations
  • Articles of incorporation and bylaws

Why is it important that the translation of economics and finance is accurate?

Accuracy is essential, as an error in the translation of a financial term can lead to misunderstandings or incorrect decisions with important economic consequences. For this reason, translators specializing in economics and finance often have expertise in these areas, ensuring that terminology and concepts are used correctly in different contexts.

What can we provide in economics and finance translation?

Our experience has enabled us not only to master the technical language of these fields, but also to understand the cultural and contextual implications of each term, ensuring that translations are accurate and appropriate for the target audience.

traducción financiera

Clients' testimonials

“Professionalism, accuracy and speed in delivering the translated documents. In addition to helping me with those facts I didn't understand about the system of translating documents.”

Magalí V.

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